TÜRKÇİMENTO Research and Development Institute determines the properties and performance of cement, cement raw materials, mineralogical additive materials, and other hydraulic binders. It also contributes to the industry's quality control activities and participates in technical meetings and seminars.
In accordance with the TS EN ISO/IEC 17025 "General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories" standard, the Testing Laboratories received accreditation in 2003, and the Calibration Laboratory received accreditation in 2006 from TÜRKAK (Turkish Accreditation Agency) with certificates AB-0007-T and AB-0038-K. This made the laboratory the first accredited facility in Turkey for cement-related testing.
The institute serves as a testing laboratory for national and international organizations that provide "CE" certification for cement and related products. In this context, the Turkish Cement Manufacturers' Association Research and Development Institute has obtained accreditation authorization from TÜRKAK for conducting the required tests and preparing conformity reports, primarily for cements and other relevant construction materials. Other testing and examination requests received by the Research and Development Institute are also accommodated by the laboratory.

In 2017 IQCTL is accredited by TÜRKAK according to EN ISO/ IEC 17043 Standard: “General Requirements for Proficiency Testing”. In this context the prepared samples are sent to the laboratories of plants and public & private enterprises. The results are evaluated statistically regarding the performance of participating laboratories. In case, advices or educations to participants are provided.
These services are offered within the structure of six separate laboratories: